Import company, decision-maker or consumer contacts to your own system via a CRM integration.

It’s great that you want to boost your company’s sales, marketing, new customer procurement, and customer relationship management. You’re in the right place.
They say that knowledge is power. Knowledge also brings wisdom and efficiency to corporate activities. Correct and essential data helps you to better understand your business, areas for development, your operating environment, and your company’s existing and potential customers.
In this way, you can make better decisions and plans, and boost your company’s operations all round.
We at Profinder are masters of customer data. We can provide you with up-to-date and in-depth information about your existing and future customers, whether they are companies, decision-makers, or consumers. What’s more, you can integrate the data directly into your own CRM system.
If your CRM system contains a wide range of data about your existing and prospective customers, you can easily profile and segment your current target groups to find new, interesting target groups. You can also identify the best and most profitable target groups, and find new similar prospective customers using our tools.
Investing in understanding your customers is beneficial not only for sales, marketing, but also for other company operations.
When you and other key personnel at your company have a good understanding of your existing and future customers, you can also design your products, services and operating model to provide excellent service precisely for them. This means that your company is truly customer-oriented.

The Profinder interface in a nutshell
Profinder’s interface solutions connect Profinder’s comprehensive and continuously updated company and consumer data to your company’s own CRM system.
Using the interface solution, you can retrieve current data about companies, decision-makers and consumers in real time via your own CRM. You can also automate the update of your preferred data from Profinder’s target group tool to your own systems, so that your database always has the correct data about existing and prospective customers.
The benefits of integrating the B2B target group service
Company and decision-maker data is up to date
Even if your customer companies remain the same, their financial situations, key personnel and technologies may change. That’s why the customer data in your CRM may be incomplete or obsolete. In addition, important data for your various departments may be missing.
The integration means that you will automatically receive updated company data in your CRM once a week, for example. If your company uses the Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can add and update data manually and directly from your CRM at the touch of a button.
Boost new customer acquisition
Is new customer acquisition important to you?
Using integration, you can automatically import prospective customers that meet your criteria from Profinder’s target group service to your company’s CRM and then begin to take care of them.
This will make new customer acquisition simpler and more efficient, remove manual work and eliminate errors.
You will learn to know your existing and future customers better
The integration can help you to enrich the contact data in your CRM system by adding data about the companies’ industries locations, sizes, ages, number of personnel, finances and technologies.
You can use the background data to segment the companies in your CRM system into different target groups and then target them with the right kind of sales and marketing measures.
By identifying your best customer groups, you can also easily find similar companies to add from the B2B target group service, add them conveniently to your CRM system, and then take good care of them.
You can manage and follow prospective customers in your CRM system
At many companies, the CRM contains data for existing customers, but not prospective customers. Additionally, the data is not categorised or consistent. This is not only inefficient, it is also risky from a data security perspective.
Using the integration, you can transfer prospective customers that meet certain criteria from the B2B target group service directly to your CRM system, along with their background data. This allows you to follow their progress and commitment via the CRM system.
By recording prospective customers in the CRM, you can enrich their data using the B2B target group service and segment them.
The benefits of integrating the B2B target group service
Our customer data is marketable, responsibly generated, and varied
People’s telephone numbers, addresses, and municipalities change. People move in together, change their surnames, have children, and sometimes split up.
When you implement Profinder’s B2C interface, it’s easy to update existing and prospective customer data in your own CRM system as often as you like.
We only collect data from reliable sources of data, and follow data protection legislation and responsible data principles in our data collection and sales.
Boost new customer acquisition
Is new customer procurement important to you? Using integration, you can automatically import prospective customers that meet your criteria from Profinder’s target group service to your company’s CRM and then begin to take care of them.
This will make new customer acquisition simpler and more efficient, remove manual work and eliminate errors.
You can profile your best customers and find new similar target groups
If all of your customer data is rich and up to date, you can analyse your company’s current customer base and find the groups worth investing in next.
You can also find out which are your best and most profitable customers. Once you have profiled your best customers, you can pick similar target groups from the B2C target group service to focus your company’s sales and marketing on.
You can manage and follow prospective customers in your CRM system
At many companies, the CRM contains data for existing customers, but not prospective customers. They are on separate mailing or call lists, Excel spreadsheets, email marketing programmes, campaign reports and salespeople’s notes. Additionally, the data is not categorised or consistent. This is not only inefficient, it is also risky from a data security perspective.
Using the integration, you can transfer prospective customers found in the B2C target group service directly to your CRM system, along with their background data. This allows you to follow their purchasing paths and monitor their progress and commitment via the CRM system.